Each No Plain Janes ™ apron, smock and top is a one-of-a-kind, original handmade creation. The eclectic ideas for the aprons and tops are drawn from historical fashions, literature, and ethnic culture. The joy of this work is in imaginative play with color and design and in seeing the creations sold to people for whom they are “just right” and who love them. The process begins with finding a material with a figured pattern or intriguing texture that suggests a certain style (e.g.: 50’s Movie Star, Victorian Garden Party, Calamity Jane, or, in a recent design, 40’s Each Flamenco) and then designing or selecting a pattern to realize it. Then begins the cutting out of the pattern pieces, sewing them together in a careful, professional manner and finally “dressing it up” with trims or other ornamentation to give each design it’s special, individual flair. Custom made designs have also been and can be pre-ordered and made to individual customers’ specifications. Each item will have its own No Plain Janes™ woven label attached.
No Plain Janes ™ aprons, smocks and tops are your headquarters for the finest in what their creator, Lynne Dickey, classifies "Domestic Frippery"! The aprons, smocks and tops cost from $15 to $60 and range in style from cute and practical, for everyday use, to sensationally impractical and "slightly sexy" for those special occasions. These are "entertaining aprons" and you can choose exactly how entertaining you want to be from "G" (for all audiences) to "R" (for that special person in your life) to "X" for extremely entertaining for gala occasions. You can contact Lynne at either ldickey@noplainjanes.com via this website or at noplainjanes@msn.com with any questions or requests for special orders.